SEO Services

Other agencies make overhyped promises they can’t keep.
We only take on projects if we’re confident we can deliver.

Time to partner with an SEO agency that will:

  • Craft a personalized, ROI-driven SEO strategy for your business
  • Be fully transparent about meeting goals and deadlines
  • Feel like an extension of your marketing team
Clients organic traffic per month
Average return on investment

“I feel robbed”

That’s what nearly all of our new clients say about the previous agencies they worked with.

Almost all of them have been burned by an SEO (or PPC) agency. And it’s always the same tune: 

  • “The agency didn’t get us”
  • “They were slow to respond”
  • “They didn’t listen to us”
  • “I felt like a small fish in a big pond”
  • “They weren’t strategic… they just took orders”

And (the most common complaint of all)…

  • “They overpromised… and didn’t deliver”

You want to know why most other agencies fail to deliver? Everyone on the team spreads themselves too thin between a thousand different SEO services. None of them specialize in anything. Worse, all the team members juggle (at least) five different projects at once. Which means their search optimization services are never in-depth. Instead, they learn things on the fly. And have a few generic, cookie-cutter strategies that they apply to every business. 

Sure, they might know a thing or two about effective SEO services. But (unlike us) they don’t really excel at it. They don’t dig deep enough. Because here’s the thing (that most agencies don’t know):

When it comes to SEO services… the devil is in the details.

It’s the little things that can add up and make a big difference in your website ranking.

Other agencies gloss over the little details.
We hone in on them.

Here’s how:

Find the chink in your armor (aka strategy) with an in-depth SEO audit

Before we start working together, we’ll perform a SEO audit so thorough that it puts all your previous SEO audits to shame. We’ll analyze every inch of your website, from the content and backlinks to the alt titles and indexing.

This allows us to a) decide if we can help you achieve your goals and (if we can) b) craft a detailed SEO strategy for your business.

Get your own dedicated team of SEO experts that work for you full time

Once you sign on the dotted line, we’ll go out and find the best SEO experts for your project, each one specialized in a different area. That team will work for you – and only you – full-time.

So rather than working with a jack-of-all trades marketer who’s working on five different projects at once…

You get to partner with a team of dedicated SEO specialists who give your business their full, undivided attention.

And you know what that means…

Red carpet service. Lightning-fast responses. And faster results.

Fill in the gaps with our  proprietary SEO software

In addition to top-of-the-line SEO tools (like Ahrefs and Screaming Frogs), we rely on our own SEO software to get you those champagne-popping results.

These tools aren’t available for sale – they’re only available for our clients. Giving you an immediate edge over the competition.

SEO services so in-depth that you’ll wonder why you ever partnered with another agency

Whether you want us to take over your entire SEO strategy with managed SEO services – or you just want a bit of consulting here and there… we’ve got you covered with quality SEO services.

Take a look at a few of the SEO services we offer:

Enterprise SEO

Have you mastered traditional SEO and now trying to rank for highly competitive, high volume keywords? If so, then you might be a good fit for our Enterprise SEO services.

Niche Research

We’ll find out how people describe and search for your product or services.  So you can rank in relevant search results – and boost your ranking.

Link Building

Link-building is all about relationships. We’ve spent years building relationships across all industries – so you can get high-quality backlinks to your website.

International SEO

Trying to reach people in international markets? We’ll optimize your website across multiple countries and languages. So that search engines KNOW which countries you’re trying to reach.

SEO Audit

Get an in-depth analysis of your website. Including technical, content, on-page and link-related issues. You’ll find out what’s working… and what’s preventing your site from ranking on the first page of Google.

Google Penalty Recovery

Has your ranking taken a nose dive? Or your website disappeared from Google entirely? Not to worry. We’ll figure out what went wrong – and correct all the issues bringing your website down.

Local SEO

Need to increase visibility for your brick-and-mortar business? Our local SEO services will help you optimize your online presence. So you can bring more ideal customers to your website. And into your shop.

SEO Consulting

Want to borrow our SEO-obsessed brain(s)? We’ll craft a custom SEO strategy for your business – and then explain the reasoning behind each of our decisions. So you know what to do and *why* you should do it.

SEO management

Professional SEO isn’t a one-and-done type of deal. It’s a continual process. That’s why we offer a SEO management service: so your website keeps up with Google algorithm changes – and the competition.

No empty promises. No “meh” results.

Just quality website SEO services that meet (or exceed) your expectations.

We’ll only take your money if we’re dead confident we can get you the results you’re after. Book a free consultation to find out if we can do that.

Tap the button above to schedule a free consultation and see if our professional SEO service is a good fit for your business.

Our clear-cut, data-driven process guides every single SEO service we offer

We don’t believe in SEO magic. All of our results come from a well-defined, data-driven process.

Here’s how we provide the best SEO services out there:

Research your niche

We start by collecting and analyzing 50-100 keyword groups. Then we’ll come up with a traffic-generating, ROI-driven strategy based on 300 different factors.

Assemble your team

Based on your business and objectives, we’ll set up your team of SEO experts. Each specialized in a different area. So that your business gets the in-depth strategy (and attention) it deserves.

Create a tailored SEO strategy

Next, we’ll craft a personalized SEO strategy for your business. Laying out the exact steps we need to take to achieve your goals.

Optimize and scale

Once we start executing your strategy, we won’t just set it and forget it. We’ll look for ways to continually optimize your SEO strategy – and scale. With SEO management services.

You’ll never be left waiting around for a response

If you have a question, we’ll whizz an answer back to you. Within one business day, tops. Here’s what else you can expect from our professional SEO services:

Weekly reports

Every Monday, we’ll send over our objectives for the week, with a clear outline of what we plan to accomplish. On Friday, you’ll get a weekly report – with a summary of where things stand.

Weekly Zoom calls

Once a week, we’ll meet on Zoom to check in. Here, we’ll answer any questions you have, talk about how things are progressing and discuss any changes we need to make to your strategy.

Secure Telegram chat

We’ll set up an exclusive Telegram group where you and your SEO team can exchange files and messages. Everything is fully encrypted, so you can feel safe sending over confidential information.

You can call us SEO “transparent” Profy

(Because transparency is our middle name)

We have a transparent pricing model

We don’t make up quotes as we go. Or increase the price because you have a bigger budget. We use a pricing calculator to determine a fair price for your project. Based on your individual strategy and the number of experts required for your project.

We’ll tell you if something isn’t working

If we aren’t meeting our targets… if we miss a deadline… or if a strategy just isn’t working… we won’t try to hide it. We’ll tell you right away. And then get to work finding a solution.

We’ll set realistic expectations

Before we start working together, you’ll have a good idea of what kinds of results you can expect. So there won’t be any hidden surprises or “what happened?” moments down the road.

Steal the show conference room with your newfound SEO knowledge

Whatever SEO service you hire us for, you won’t just get strategy and management. You’ll get SEO consulting too. For free.

We’ll keep you up to date on the latest SEO trends and Google algorithm changes. Share our SEO secrets (including the ones that not even industry insiders know). And always explain the reasoning behind our decisions.

Translation: You’ll deepen your SEO knowledge. And get insights that allow you to wow your boss (and colleagues). Day in and day out.

Tap the button above to schedule a free consultation.

So when you’re ready to…

Partner with a dedicated team of SEO experts who work for you (and only you) around the clock

Get a detailed SEO strategy that takes into account your unique business needs and objectives

Make your boss go gaga (because you finally got them the SEO results they want)

Cut your ad spend – and bring highly-qualified organic traffic to your website.

Let’s hop on a call to see if our search engine optimization service can get you the results you’re after.

Tap the button above to schedule a free consultation.

On average, we’ve helped our clients get a 1,250% return on investment

Keyword rankings and traffic are important metrics. But what we *really* care about at the end of the day is your ROI. That you get back every dollar you spend – and then some –  with more leads and sales.

We’ve been able to help our clients do that. With professional search engine optimization.

Case Study

ROI increase
for SaaS niche project

You can think of us as the new extension of your marketing team

LRT Conference

So what makes our SEO services different from all the other search engine optimization services out there? 

It’s simple really.

We don’t make false, overhyped promises about what we can maybe achieve if all the stars align. 

We’ll tell you what goals are realistic and achievable based on your data. And we’ll only take on your project if we’re confident we can get you the results you’re after. 

That’s why we always start with a deep-dive SEO audit. So know what we can achieve – and what’s out of reach. 

Our team of over 200 SEO specialists work across *all* industries: auto insurance, fintech, dating, gaming, education, pharmacy, real estate, IT… you name it. 

And we serve 45 international markets. Including the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Asia and Latin America. 

So whatever your industry is – or wherever you’re based – we’ve got you covered. 

But don’t worry: You’ll never feel like a small fish in a big pond with us. Because you’ll have your own team of dedicated SEO experts – working on your project full-time. 

(We really mean it when we say that we’ll feel like an extension of your marketing team.)

“How long does it take to get results from your SEO service?” and other smart questions marketers like you asked before joining forces

Most of our clients start to see the first results from our SEO service within just 4-6 months.

But if your niche is highly competitive, it can take longer (up to 1-2 years).

Ultimately, the timeline will depend on several factors. Like:

  • the age and authority of your site
  • the website architecture and design
  • The on-page and off-page optimization
  • any  penalties you may have

It depends!

We always start with an in-depth SEO audit, where we’ll analyze everything from your technical SEO and mobile-friendliness to backlinks and content gaps.

Then, we’ll compile the best keyword groups for your website – and based on that, craft a killer SEO strategy.

We don’t “outsource” our search engine optimization services. We find and hire the best people for your project. Period.

First, we go out and look for the best SEO specialists for your project.

After a month-long vetting process, we hire and onboard them (which takes another month).

Yes, it takes more time than assigning you a few random people from our team.

But it’s worth it. Because this way, you get to work with a highly experienced, reliable team of experts – who are the perfect fit for your project.

Definitely! We’ve worked with countless Fortune 500 and Inc 1000 companies. Can’t mention them here due to NDA agreements – but you’ve definitely heard of some of them

Yes! Link-building is one of our specialties.

We’ve spent years building relationships with other businesses. So that we can score high-quality, traffic-generating backlinks for our clients.

We can’t make any guarantees (if any agency does… RUN!).

But after we perform the SEO audit, we should have a good idea of what’s achievable. And we’ll do everything in our power to get your site ranking #1 on Google.

Ready to partner with an SEO services provider that will only promise what they can actually deliver?

Schedule a free, no-strings-attached consultation – and let’s see if our search engine optimization services are a good fit for your business.

  • Get a detailed SEO strategy (that goes way beyond “get more backlinks” and “create more content”)
  • Work with an agency that actually listens (and delivers)
  • Boost your organic traffic (and reduce your ad spend)