Link Building SEO service

We use proprietary tools to unlock backlink data you can’t find anywhere else

Data that will give you an edge on the competition – and help us score
Google-friendly backlinks for your website. Fast. 

Tap the button to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with our link-building SEO company.

Clients organic traffic per month
Average return on investment

We’ve helped 200 websites build their authority and climb up the Google ranks with our link-building services

Higher rankings

“SeoProfy has provided valuable SEO services that have grown the client’s website traffic by 10X. The team is organized and responsive, and the client appreciates their willingness to share advice.”

Lev Tretyakov
Fortador Steamers USA
More high-quality traffic

“Thanks to SeoProfy, the client’s website traffic increased from 100,000 to more than 2 million per month. Aside from consistently meeting deadlines, they also recommended solutions and new growth opportunities.”

Dmitrii Gar
Owner, Friv 5
More sales

“The company has seen 9X organic traffic growth in nine months and 3X conversions from organic traffic as opposed to paid traffic. SeoProfy has managed the engagement professionally.”

Digital Marketing Manager
VR Entertainment Platform

Truth? Ahrefs, SEMrush and other SEO tools only show 10-20% of the data that our tools show

Most agencies use traditional SEO tools, like Ahrefs, SEMrush and Screaming Frogs. They’re great and all (and we use them too) – but they only show about 10-20% of the data that you’ll find inside our proprietary link-building software.

For example, many of your competitors rely on domain masking to hide their backlinks. Traditional SEO tools don’t show you this data. But our tools are able to find and analyze your competitors’ hidden domains (not just the public domains).

They can also qualify links. Find the spammy ones and trustworthy ones. And micro analyze your competitors’ strategy to find out what they did right. So we can then implement the top 1% of their strategy.

Here’s a sneak peek at the game-changing tools we created and use to generate high quality links (and competition-crushing results) for our clients.


Tracks and analyzes backlinks (checking for links that could be costing you traffic)


Monitors website and domain changes automatically (so we can change a domain as soon as it becomes available)

internal tool

Manages all tasks and company workflow

Command Control
internal tool

Advanced SEO analytics, research and workflow

internal tool

Checks Google Search Console for keywords that will help you rank #1 on Google… fast

Links are easy to get. But links that put you on the first page of Google? That’s a different story.

Sure, you can get backlinks by spamming blog comments and purchasing cheap links for 20 bucks. But in the long-term, those strategies can get you penalized by Google – and demolish your ranking.

Unfortunately, way too many agencies rely on these kinds of shady backlink practices.

(Trust us… we would know. We’ve had to clean up their messes time and time again.)

Because here’s the thing: Good backlinks (the kind that positively impact your ranking) aren’t easy to get.

You have to spend time coming up with the right strategy. Creating engaging content and tools. And connecting with the right people in your industry.

That’s where we come in.

We build backlinks that blend in – and keep Google happy

At SEO Profy, we only build natural-looking, white hat links. You know… the kind that don’t raise any alarm bells with Google.

For example…

You can’t use the same anchor text in a backlink dozens of times – or it will look suspicious to Google. So before starting on your project, we’ll come up with an anchor plan that determines the number of times we can safely use a certain keyword.

We have a strict list of criteria which we use to evaluate link quality

  • High relevancy

    Irrelevant backlinks can wreak havoc on your SEO. That’s why we’ll only get backlinks from sites
    that are in your niche. 

  • Valuable link assets

    Want content and tools that will help you rank higher in Google *and* hook your visitors from the
    get-go? We’ll help you get them. 

  • Credible site

    All the backlinks we get come from sites that are trusted by Google (and get a minimum of x website
    visits per month)

  • No footer or sidebar links

    Search engines put a higher value on backlinks that are inside a block of text. So we’ll make sure
    your links are placed inside the editorial content – not tucked away in some barely visible footer
    or sidebar. 

We work with companies from:


Tap the button above to schedule a free consultation and find out more about our SEO link-building services.

We’ve spent years developing relationships with 100,000+ influencers in
various niches – so you don’t have to

Our team of 200+ SEO specialists has spent years building relationships with influencers across all
industries: fintech, IT outsourcing, auto insurance, dating, gaming, pharmacy, real estate… and more.
We’ve got a database of over 100,000 website owners and influencers who have built us backlinks in the
past – and will do it again. 

And when it comes to cold outreach tactics, we know what works – and what doesn’t. 

Bottom line? Whatever your industry is, our link-building services company has the network – and the
expertise – to score credible, relevant backlinks for your website.

You won’t just get a project manager. You’ll get a team of link-building experts working on your project full-time.

At SEO Profy, we don’t outsource our link-building services. We do everything in house.

If your goal is to get more than 500 links per month, we’ll assign you a team of link-building specialists who will work on your project full-time. With each team member focused on a different link-building service: HARO, editorial, outreach etc.

Need less than 500 links per month? In that case, we’ll assign you a project manager. And our centralized link-building teams will get to work.

Either way, you’ll get dozens of eyeballs on your project. And high-quality links… at scale.

Only about 5% of agencies create link assets. We’re one of them.

If you want backlinks from reputable websites… then you’ve gotta create link assets. Period.

Only problem? They’re expensive. Time-consuming. And difficult to create. So most SEO agencies cut corners and go for the quick backlinks instead.

Not us. We’ll either give you ideas of traffic-boosting link assets you can create. Or (if you have the budget), we’ll create them for you.

You tell us how many backlinks you want.

We’ll get them for you (guaranteed).

Working with most agencies is a total shot in the dark. How do you know what they’re *really* doing behind the scenes? And if their link-building services will pay off?

We get it. That’s why we will:

  1. Discuss your goals (and the kind of links you want)
  2. Do a complete audit before starting your project – and only take on your project if we’re confident we can get you the results you want
  3. Deliver what we say we will

At the end of each week, you’ll get a detailed report outlining the:

✔️number of links we built

✔️URLs of the website they were placed on

✔️anchor text used

✔️the impact each link has had on your SEO

If your backlink profile changes, we’ll find out – and fix it

Just because you earned a backlink doesn’t mean it’s there to stay. Sometimes, webmasters sneakily remove a backlink after the fact. Or they:

  • Change links to no follow
  • Delete pages
  • De-index pages

Not on our watch. We’ll keep a close eye on things – so if a backlink is removed, we’ll find out. Contact the webmaster. And if we have to, file a Paypal dispute to get your money back.

If any low-quality links point towards your site, we’ll immediately disavow the links (so that Google knows to ignore them).

You’ll never be left waiting around for answers

Here’s what you can expect if we work together:

Weekly reports

On Monday, we’ll send you a game plan with all the links we plan to create that week. On Friday, we’ll whiz over a report with a summary of what we accomplished.

Weekly sprint calls

Once a week, we’ll meet on Zoom to answer any questions you may have. And discuss next steps. 

Telegram group

You can swap files and messages with your link-building team inside Telegram. Where all messages and data will be encrypted – and 100% secure. 

How we get white hat, authoritative links that help you rank #1 on Google

Discuss your goals

We’ll kick things off with a free, 30-minute consultation. Where you’ll tell us about your business, competitors and the types of links you want to create.

Research your competitors

Using our top-of-the-line tools, we’ll research what your competitors are doing, their strategy, the links they’ve hidden and their link structure. Based on that, we’ll pinpoint the link opportunities for your business. 

Define your strategy

Next, we’ll come up with a custom link-building strategy. One that builds natural, Google-friendly links to your website. 

Set up your team

If you need to create more than 500 links per month, we’ll recruit and hire your own personal team of link-building experts. Who will work on your project full-time.

Otherwise, we’ll assign you a project manager. Who will work with our centralized link-building teams to put your strategy into action.

Create link assets

We’ll come up with ideas for engaging content and tools that authoritative websites will *want* to link to. If you want, we’ll even create them for you. 

Get links

Your link-building experts will get straight to work, using a combination of tactics to get authoritative links for your website. From outreach to HARO to editorial, we’ll leave no stone unturned. 

Monitor links

We’ll closely monitor your backlink profile, tracking any new or lost links that could affect your ranking. 

Dazzle your boss with your limitless SEO knowledge

If we partner together, you won’t just get link-building services. You’ll g et link-building and SEO consulting too. For free.

We’ll keep you up to date on the latest SEO trends. Reveal the secrets we’ve learned after building thousands of backlinks for our clients. And always explain the why behind each of our data-backed decisions.

So you’ll get unlimited SEO insights. And knowledge that will knock your boss’ socks off.

Schedule a free consultation

Link-building services that actually move the needle

Take a look at a few of the data-driven tactics we’ll use to help you build powerful backlinks.

Fix broken backlinks

We’ll reach out to webmasters with broken backlinks – and recommend a link to your website instead. 

Reach out to journalists

We’ll respond to journalists’ inquiries on HARO (Help a Reporter Out). With thoughtful pitches that get a brand mention (and a backlink). 

Create link assets

We’ll craft must-read content and engaging tools. Designed to become link (and lead) magnets. 

Engage with industry experts

We’ll continue building and nurturing relationships with experts in your industry. So we can keep generating quality backlinks. 

Find unlinked brand mentions

We’ll find where other websites mention your brand. Reach out to them. And request links back to your site. 

Steal your competitors’ backlinks

We’ll see what backlinks your competitors are using to scale their rankings – and then steal them (ethically of course).

One client recovered their traffic – and grew 3x

We’ll get them for you (guaranteed).

Working with most agencies is a total shot in the dark. How do you know what they’re *really* doing
behind the scenes? And if their link-building services will pay off? 

We get it. That’s why we will: 

  1. Discuss your goals (and the kind of links you want)
  2. Do a complete audit before starting your project – and only take on your project if we’re confident
    we can get you the results you want
  3. Deliver what we say we will

At the end of each week, you’ll get a detailed report outlining the:

  • number of links we built
  • URLs of the website they were placed on
  • anchor text used
  • the impact each link has had on your SEO

Another client grew their traffic more than 4-5 times in 16 months

Just because you earned a backlink doesn’t mean it’s there to stay. Sometimes, webmasters sneakily
remove a backlink after the fact. Or they:

  • Change links to no follow
  • Delete pages
  • De-index pages

Not on our watch. We’ll keep a close eye on things – so if a backlink is removed, we’ll find out.
Contact the webmaster. And if we have to, file a Paypal dispute to get your money back. 

If any low-quality links point towards your site, we’ll immediately disavow the links (so that Google
knows to ignore them). 

Still got questions about our link-building service? We’re here to answer them.

Realistically, it’ll take around 4-6 months to start seeing results from our link-building services. With traffic gradually increasing over the course of the year.

But every website is different so the timeline will ultimately depend on a number of factors. Like:

  • the age and authority of your site
  • the website architecture and design
  • your on-page and off-page optimization
  • any penalties pulling your ranking down

We wish we could! Unfortunately, we can’t make any promises.

But we WILL say this: After we do your SEO audit, we should have a good idea of what we can accomplish with our link-building services.

None of it!

We’ll recruit and hire the link-building specialists needed for your project – and they’ll work for you (and only you) full time.

Our link-building services start at $XXXX per month. With most of our clients investing between $XXXXX- $XXXX.

The price will largely depend on two things: The number of links you need. And the difficulty of the keywords you’re trying to rank for.

You’ll pay for the links you need ahead of time (via Stripe, Paypal or wire transfer).

It’ll depend on your needs and budget. But at minimum, you’ll get: 

  • A complete link-building audit + competitor analysis to find out where the hidden opportunities lie – and any toxic backlinks that could be tanking your ranking 
  • A custom link-building strategy to help your business generate powerful backlinks. Again… and again. 
  • Link asset strategy (so that other websites will be incentivized to link back to you) 
  • Detailed reports (outlining the results we’ve gotten from our link-building efforts) 
  • (Optional) Link asset creation 

(Optional) Quality control & backlink monitoring (to ensure your backlink profile stays strong)

Unlike many other agencies, we don’t care about metrics like Domain Ranking and Domain Authority.

At the end of the day, the only things that matter are your page ranking, your organic traffic and your ROI. Those are the metrics that we pay attention to.

You could close out of this tab and go searching for another link-building company…

But then you’d be missing out on:

Access to exclusive backlink data that you can’t find anywhere else (not even Ahrefs, SEMrush or Screaming Frogs) 

→ A team of link-building specialists who will work for you full-time (and are able t o build backlinks at scale – without sacrificing quality

→ A devoted team who will take care of every aspect of the link-building process for you

If that sounds like the kind of link-building company you want by your side…

Schedule a free consultation to see how we can help you unlock exclusive backlink data – and generate competition-crushing backlinks at scale.